Check OnPlayerDeath

Hello how can I add a check on OnPlayerDeath to see if killerid killed playerid with certain weapon...

For example to check if Killer killed player with sniper only?

Can anyone help please...

Under OnPlayerDeath
pawn Код:
if (GetPlayerWeapon(killerid) == 34) {
//Happens if killer has a sniper

No that's not what I was looking for...

Now what you said it will be....

Killer can use deagle to kill a player, but have sniper in his weapon slots and it will count as right...

Please help!!

GetPlayerWeapon - will return the ID of the weapon which is in player's hand.
GetPlayerWeaponData - you can use this function to get any weapon in player's weapon-slot.

I guess you were looking for this information, correct?

Ohh didn't know that...

Thanks Jakku and Don Correlli, sorry was my bad...

It will work...

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