21.04.2010, 20:58
Na hora de compilar acontece isso:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\Desktop\SAMP Server\VLC.pwn(41024) : error: 004: function "NameTimer" is not implemented
O erro esta Aqui :
public InfoDaCasa()
new string[128];
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
for(new h = 0; h < sizeof(HouseInfo); h++)
if(PlayerToPoint(2.0, i, HouseInfo[h][hEntrancex], HouseInfo[h][hEntrancey], HouseInfo[h][hEntrancez]))
if(HouseInfo[h][hOwned] == 1)
if(HouseInfo[h][hRentabil] == 0)
format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~Dono ~n~%s~n~Level : %d",HouseInfo[h][hOwner],HouseInfo[h][hLevel]);
format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~Dono~n~%s~n~alugar: R$%d Level : %d~n~Digite /alugarquarto to rent a room",HouseInfo[h][hOwner],HouseInfo[h][hRent],HouseInfo[h][hLevel]);
GameTextForPlayer(i, string, 5000, 3);
return 1;
format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~Esta casa esta a venda~n~Tipo: %s ~n~Valor: ~g~R$%d~n~~w~ Level : %d~n~Para comprar digite /comprarcasa",HouseInfo[h][hDiscription],HouseInfo[h][hValue],HouseInfo[h][hLevel]);
GameTextForPlayer(i, string, 5000, 3);
return 1;
return 1;
Esse Daqui JA estб Resolvido ,Mais Agora vem MAis um Pra Enxer o saco xD
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\Desktop\SAMP Server\VLC.pwn(41024) : error: 004: function "NameTimer" is not implemented
O erro esta Aqui :
public InfoDaCasa()
new string[128];
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
for(new h = 0; h < sizeof(HouseInfo); h++)
if(PlayerToPoint(2.0, i, HouseInfo[h][hEntrancex], HouseInfo[h][hEntrancey], HouseInfo[h][hEntrancez]))
if(HouseInfo[h][hOwned] == 1)
if(HouseInfo[h][hRentabil] == 0)
format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~Dono ~n~%s~n~Level : %d",HouseInfo[h][hOwner],HouseInfo[h][hLevel]);
format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~Dono~n~%s~n~alugar: R$%d Level : %d~n~Digite /alugarquarto to rent a room",HouseInfo[h][hOwner],HouseInfo[h][hRent],HouseInfo[h][hLevel]);
GameTextForPlayer(i, string, 5000, 3);
return 1;
format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~Esta casa esta a venda~n~Tipo: %s ~n~Valor: ~g~R$%d~n~~w~ Level : %d~n~Para comprar digite /comprarcasa",HouseInfo[h][hDiscription],HouseInfo[h][hValue],HouseInfo[h][hLevel]);
GameTextForPlayer(i, string, 5000, 3);
return 1;
return 1;
Esse Daqui JA estб Resolvido ,Mais Agora vem MAis um Pra Enxer o saco xD