Blacklist the ip?

Umh, i don't really know how to explain this but its like that:

new ip[20];
GetPlayerIp(giveplayerid, ip, sizeof ip);
playerDB[ip][Blacklist] = 1;
The thing is , i don't know how to do that "playerDB[ip][Blacklist] = 1" placing the IP in insert playerid just makes me get some errors, any ideas how to do it?

There's no point - You can use the native SA:MP system.

Ban( playerid );

Unless you're planning on making a custom system, which seems to advanced for you right now.

I know just wanted to make my own system, Figured it out just as u posted, should go like:


Originally Posted by 0ne
I know just wanted to make my own system, Figured it out just as u posted, should go like:

That's wrong too. The way to do it (with flatfiles) would be to store all data inside a file and then check it where necessary. You'd check for an IP in the file and if it exists, then bam - do whatever. Seif created a banning system that demonstrates perfect use of IP-blacklisting / banning - like the way you're trying to do, take a peek and edit it, if you wish.

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