15.04.2010, 16:00
Yeah just departed on a 2.5HR flight from london city to Montblanc, half way there I crashed, NTDLL.DLL?
I've been trying to do a flight for ages and half the time I just get "FS9 has enountered blahhhh"
I was flying carenado cessna 182 II RG, also happened with PMDG 737.
Anyone else have this problem and/or any info?
Yeah just departed on a 2.5HR flight from london city to Montblanc, half way there I crashed, NTDLL.DLL?
I've been trying to do a flight for ages and half the time I just get "FS9 has enountered blahhhh"
I was flying carenado cessna 182 II RG, also happened with PMDG 737.
Anyone else have this problem and/or any info?