something easy

can somene help me to stop a command like if i do /smokeweed it set the playerweather to 22 rithwe is there any call back to like stop the effect once the player dies

pawn Код:
is therer any callabck to stop it so i can add it to the onplayer death

Do something like that: (Thats for godfather anyway, you might need to change it a bit)

new weeduse[MAX_PLAYERS];

OnPlayerConnect put weeduse[playerid] = 0;

and on /smokeweed put weeduse[playerid] = 1;

and then, go to OnPlayerDeath, and write
if(weeduse[playerid] == 1)
SetPlayerWeather(playerid, id);

i did it already but i dinnt work man what about if ill just pust like this on ma gamemode

pawn Код:
SetPlayerWeather(playerid, id);
i just get an error thats says undefined simbol id how can i define it??

Originally Posted by MEXICAN_NORTE
i did it already but i dinnt work man what about if ill just pust like this on ma gamemode

pawn Код:
SetPlayerWeather(playerid, id);
i just get an error thats says undefined simbol id how can i define it??
well find the id of the weather you want and replace it .

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