[Map] [MAP]Secret Clan Base

made this map today

objects: 276
worktime: about 2 ours in total


and for all those screenshot hunters here :P:

[img width=300 height=300]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/thedarkevel/sa-mp-048.png[/img]

[img width=300 height=300]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/thedarkevel/sa-mp-049.png[/img]

[img width=300 height=300]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/thedarkevel/sa-mp-050.png[/img]

[img width=300 height=300]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/thedarkevel/sa-mp-051.png[/img]

[img width=300 height=300]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/thedarkevel/sa-mp-052.png[/img]

[img width=300 height=300]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/thedarkevel/sa-mp-053.png[/img]

[img width=300 height=300]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/thedarkevel/sa-mp-054.png[/img]

[img width=300 height=300]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/thedarkevel/sa-mp-055.png[/img]

[img width=300 height=300]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/thedarkevel/sa-mp-056.png[/img]


its advised to also add these commands for a gate /lift in it:

on top of script:

new Gateclan;
new Gatelift;
under ongamemodeinit

	Gateclan = CreateObject(969, -715.559143, 2867.067871, 76.068398, 91.10023213, 0.000000, -270.000001124); //gate gesloten
	Gatelift = CreateObject(3095, -681.501038, 2914.203613, 58.668404, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //lift boven
under onplayercommandtext:

if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/liftup", true) == 0)
		MoveObject(Gatelift,-681.354858, 2913.921387, 58.961586, 4.5000);

		return 1;

if (strcmp("/closegate", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)

		MoveObject(Gateclan, -715.559143, 2867.067871, 76.068398, 4.5000);

		return 1;

if (strcmp("/opengate", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)

		MoveObject(Gateclan, -715.540222, 2875.903809, 76.093399, 4.5000);

		return 1;

 	if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/liftup", true) == 0)

		MoveObject(Gatelift,-681.354858, 2913.921387, 65.961586, 4.5000);

		return 1;


Nice map, the interior could be better tho.

Not bad, but as Guedes_ said, the interior could really be better.

ever heard of object limit in mta? im sure u never worked with 200+ objects in a map >.>

i made the interior how the clan in my server wanted it maybe thats why u dont like it, u can always edit it if u want ofc

ye u right swredder.
u can everytime edit it.
a beatiful map!

Originally Posted by swredder
ever heard of object limit in mta? im sure u never worked with 200+ objects in a map >.>

i made the interior how the clan in my server wanted it maybe thats why u dont like it, u can always edit it if u want ofc
Actually, me and Guedes_ have worked on maps peaking 300+ Objects, and are working on something with nearly 10x that amount.

Don't throw accusations, I'm sure you've never had 14,000 views on one of your maps.
If you can't take negative feedback, don't post your maps.

Ontopic - As Guedes_ said, the interior could be more pretty.

from the outside it looks very cool man

Originally Posted by Joe_
Originally Posted by swredder
ever heard of object limit in mta? im sure u never worked with 200+ objects in a map >.>

i made the interior how the clan in my server wanted it maybe thats why u dont like it, u can always edit it if u want ofc
Actually, me and Guedes_ have worked on maps peaking 300+ Objects, and are working on something with nearly 10x that amount.

Don't throw accusations, I'm sure you've never had 14,000 views on one of your maps.
If you can't take negative feedback, don't post your maps.

Ontopic - As Guedes_ said, the interior could be more pretty.
i can accept bad comments but not evryone has the same style

and thanks XRVX

its nice on outside inside is odd but its ok.

Nice exterior, though you could add more to the exterior, and the interior looks great!

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