cordinates problem.

well i was recently working on electric gates, and i was using M.T.A to get my object's Cords, And somthing wierd happend, Whene i saved the Closed gate mode, It was all fine, whene i saved the opend gate mode (gate goes down, so its located underground), if i open the save, it Brings the gate up automaticly, and whene i use a converter to Pawno code, and convert both saves, they give me exact same Cords.
Anyone knows the issue?.
If its un-fixable, can someone name another Program i can use to set objects and get the cords from?.
And if possible, add a link to the program tut+Download, and, thanks.
thanks from advanced.

Regards, sammy, Universal Roleplay admin, Begginer scripter.


You didn't replace file accidentaly? Try simply as I do : Make 2 objects representing 2 states, then you just can compare or renember closed and open one, no problems, but if it won't work, post full details again, and anyway, you have to try again.

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