Timer is server wide?

I'm a little confused. I've made a tutorial, and I added a timer:

So basically, when the user types /help, the timer is set for 10 seconds

SetTimer("tut1", 10000, false);
This works absolutely no problem. The player gets teleported to the jail, the message comes up. Then the next timer takes you to the next part:
There is no timer on that, so the script hangs until the player types one of the commands above as instructed.


In the meantime, someone else typed /help.

They wait 10 seconds but never get teleported to the first place, instead, the first guy goes from step 3, to step 2 (back to the jail) and the 2nd guy doesn't go anywhere.

I can't work out why this is. some help would be awesome


ask me for more info. if needed

Try to use SetTimerEx function associated with playerid:
pawn Код:
SetTimerEx("tut1", 10000, false, "i", playerid);

thank you so much it works perfectly now!

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