Making a gang faction on GF

Hello there! I'm new here on this community, and I'm new in scripting. I now you may say that I must click the search button to find what I want, but I did already and I couldn't find what I wanted.

More precise, I want to create a gang (faction) on the GodFather mod from the 0. I have the coordinates for spawn, but I don't know how to make an interior, with a cabinet too (cabinet being a scipted place in the gang house where you can take weapons from). I can't even make an ID for the faction.

I have tried many many tutorials, and all I did is to screw up the GF script. I know it takes lots of line, and I have no experience in that.

Please help me! I promise I will help you too if you ask me with something (I can do HD video edits, playing games, spamming etc xD)

1. Read the rules
2. Post in Godfather Topic

I read them.
But I didn't know I had to post this on GF thread. Now I'm searching it.

Thank you!

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