What Can Cost My Script TO Say Your Not Admin For any command i type...

What Can Cost My Script TO Say Your Not Admin For any command i type...Can anyone plz help me its not an edit its from scratch

1. you not being an admin.
2. your code being wrong.

can we see your code?

If i'm correct he want's that if normal player writes admin command it says to him You are not an admin ?

Originally Posted by Keeboo13
What Can Cost My Script TO Say Your Not Admin For any command i type...Can anyone plz help me its not an edit its from scratch
pawn Код:
if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/command", true))
if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR, "You are not admin you cannot use this command.");
//your command functions
return 1;

o i forgot to say fixed

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