13.03.2010, 19:27
boas.....tipo eu quero fazer um cmd e usar o 3DTextLabel eu fui na wiki do samp
e tinha la seguinte cуdigo
text[] The initial text string.
color The text Color
x X-Coordinate
y Y-Coordinate
z Z-Coordinate
DrawDistance The distance from where you are able to see the 3D Text Label
VirtualWorld The virtual world in which you are able to see the 3D Text
testLOS 0/1 Test the line-of-sight so this text can't be seen through objects
Returns The ID of the newly created 3D Text Label
a minha duvida e o que e o testLOS e para q server
se alg me poder ajudar agradeзo
thx e ate a proxima
e tinha la seguinte cуdigo
pawn Код:
(text[], color, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:DrawDistance, virtualworld, testLOS)
color The text Color
x X-Coordinate
y Y-Coordinate
z Z-Coordinate
DrawDistance The distance from where you are able to see the 3D Text Label
VirtualWorld The virtual world in which you are able to see the 3D Text
testLOS 0/1 Test the line-of-sight so this text can't be seen through objects
Returns The ID of the newly created 3D Text Label
pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
Create3DTextLabel("I'm at the coordinates:\n30.0,40.0,50.0",0x008080FF,30.0,40.0,50.0,40.0,0);
return 1;
se alg me poder ajudar agradeзo
thx e ate a proxima