Dini 1.6 problem or my problem?

I'm creating this topic becouse since I started using Dini, I just couldn't stand why in Dini, things that should perfectly work, just doesn't. For example, I do "PlayerInfo[playerid][pDeaths] ++;". If I'm lucky, it works, if it just doesn't wants to work, then it doesn't. I don't know why but I've been having a lot of problems with Dini. Not errors, I mean, things that doesn't work.

An other example is when I try to modify an existing player's file. Example:


Then I change: "Admin=0" to "Admin=1" and when I try to /login, nothing happens.
Like this, there are lots of lots of things that doesn't work when they should do becouse they are noob and stupid dini codes.

So, I'm making this topic to see if I'm the only one or there is any kind of patch or new release or if it doesn't perfectly work on sa-mp 0.3.
Now that I'm seeing, I noticed that in my gamemode, I didn't #include <dutils> (anyay, I had no errors at not including it) It may be the problem? I don't know. Anyway, what do you recomend me? dubd? an other database include?
See you.

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