03.03.2010, 21:25
Последний раз редактировалось PatrickChucky; 13.11.2010 в 22:54.
Chucky DM
Hi all I has post my others versions, but i dont know why, but the topic has been deleted.
About Chucky DM
Is a DM game mode, is simple and is my first project.
I put FS in the game mode (No my FS).
Put the DM "Thinks" (How much money lose, how much lose win (in kills / deaths); /commands, etc (all comands))
Add 2 MiniGames (No my maps)
Random Skins / Spawns (by Me)
Start with $10.000
When you kill any one, you receives $5.000
When you die you lose $5.000
When money go to $0 give $100
Filter Scripts (FS)
Xteame Admin System - by Xtreme
Map Island DM - by GangMember211
Map M4 Shot - by Hor1z0n
Fallout's SpeedoMeter - by Fallout
JunkBuster Anti-Cheat - by Double-O-Seven
Weapon Drive - by [FF]Nimphious
Players Online - by adsy (Only in v1.1+)
Plant Bomb v0.3 - by S!m (Only in v1.1+)
Random Skins / Spawns (Only in 1.2+)
Have 49 Random skins
And 18 Random Spawns
Have 96 vehicles
and 36 difrents vehicles models
- Island DM
Use Nacional Guard Skin;
Use M4;
Use Granades.
- Eagle DM
Use 1 Mafia Skin;
Use Eagle.
Admin Commands (by Xtreme)
#<TEXT> - Admin chat /XCOMMANDS - Ingame commands list. /GOTO <NICK OR ID> - Teleports you to a player in a car or on foot. /GETHERE <NICK OR ID> - Teleports a player to you in a car or not. /MORNING, /NOON, /EVENING, /MIDNIGHT- Set the world time. /SETTIME <NICK | ID> <HOUR> <MINUTE> - Set the time of that player. /ANNOUNCE <TEXT> - Send game text to all players. /SAY <TEXT> - Send a client message with your text. /FLIP - Flip your vehicle onto its wheels. /SLAP <NICK | ID> - Decrement a player's health by the amount set in config. /WIRE <NICK | ID> - Prevent a player from talking; issues warnings. /UNWIRE <NICK | ID> - Allow a player to talk again. /KICK <NICK | ID> (<REASON>) - Kick a player from the server with an optional reason. /BAN <NICK | ID> (<REASON>) - Ban a player with an optional reason. /AKILL <NICK | ID> - Automatically kill a player. /EJECT <NICK | ID> - Eject a player from their vehicle. /FREEZE and /UNFREEZE <NICK | ID> - Freeze or unfreeze a player. /OUTSIDE - Transfers everyone outside. /HEALALL - Sets everyone's health to 100. /UCONFIG - Update the configuration variables for use in the server. /SETSM <MESSAGE> - Set the server message whilst ingame. /GIVEHEALTH <NICK | ID> <1-100> - Add to a player's health. /SETHEALTH <NICK | ID> <1-100> - Set a player's health. /SKINALL <SKINID> - Sets everyone's skin to a valid skin id. /GIVEALLWEAPON <WEAPON NAME | ID> <1-10,000> - Give everyone a weapon with the specified ammunition. /RESETALLWEAPONS - Reset every player's weapons. /SETCASH /GIVECASH /REMCASH <NICK | ID> <1-1,000,000> - Set, add to, or remove the specified amount of cash from a player's wallet correspondingly. /RESETCASH <NICK | ID> - Reset a player's cash. /SETALLCASH /GIVEALLCASH /REMALLCASH <1-1,000,000> - Set, add to, or remove an amount of cash from every player's wallet. /RESETALLCASH - Reset all player's cash. /EJECTALL - Eject every player who is in a vehicle on any seat. /FREEZEALL /UNFREEZEALL - Freeze or unfreeze every player in the server. /GIVEWEAPON <NICK | ID> <WEAPON NAME | ID> <1-10,000> - Give a player a specific weapon with the specified ammunition. /GOD - Give yourself infinite health, and if specified in configuration, infinite minigun and grenades. /RESETSCORES <NICK | ID> - Reset the scores of a specific player. /SETLEVEL <NICK | ID> <0 - MAXLEVEL> - Set a player's level from 0 to the maximum level defined in the configuration file, where 0 is member. /SETSKIN <NICK | ID> <SKINID> - Set a player's skin to a valid skin id. /GIVEARMOUR <NICK | ID> <1-100> - Add the value specified to a player's armour. /SETARMOUR <NICK | ID> <1-100> - Set a player's armour. /ARMOURALL - Give every player in the server 100 armour. /SETAMMO <NICK | ID> <WEAPONSLOT> <1-10,000> - Set a player's weapon ammo in that slot to the specified amount. /SETSCORE <NICK | ID> <SCORE> - Set a player's score. /IP (<NICK | ID>) - Display yours or another player's ip. /PING (<NICK | ID>) - Display yours or another player's ping. /EXPLODE <NICK | ID> - Explode a player in or out of a vehicle; kill them instantly. /SETALLTIME <HOUR> <MINUTE> - Set everyone's time to the specified hour and minute. /FORCE <NICK | ID> - Instantly make the player return to the spawn selection scren. /SETALLWORLD <0-255> - Set everyone's virtual world to the specified id. /SETWORLD <NICK | ID> <0-255> - Set a player's virtual world to the specified id. /SETGRAVITY <-50 - 50> - Set the server gravity to the specified float value. /SETWANTED <NICK | ID> <0-6> - Set a player's wanted level. /SETALLWANTED <0-6> - Set all player's wanted level. /XLOCK /XUNLOCK - Lock or unlock your vehicle. /GMX - Restart the game mode. /CARHEALTH <NICK | ID> <0 - 1000> - Set a player's car's health. /WEATHER - Bring up a menu with various weather types to set. /SETPING <0 - 10,000 | OFF> - Set the max ping to the value specified (0 and off are the same). /GIVEME - Bring up a menu with various cars to spawn you in to drive. /GIVECAR - Bring up a menu with various car components to add to your vehicle (won't work on bikes Wink). /SPEC <NICK | ID | OFF> - Spectate a player, or turn the spectator off. /XJAIL /XUNJAIL <NICK | ID> - Jail or unjail a player. /SETNAME <NICK | ID> <NAME> - Change a player's name. /VR - Defaultly a player command, repairs your vehicle's health.
Player Commands (by Me)
Register || /Login || /Logout"); /Teleports || /Kill"); /BombCmds - To see bomb/mine information (Price and commands)"); /BombCmds2 - To see the others bomb planting commands"); /XCommands - Admin Commands"); /SM - Display the server message"); /XINFO - Display the Admin script information");
/Island || /Deagle
Bombs Planting Commands (By me, but use FS commands)
Bombs Planting Commands part1http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=133238.0
Bomb price: 250$ (wene you plant you lose 250$) Mine price: 500$ (wene you plant you lose 500$) /bomb [time] - Plant a bomb on the ground or on a car (time is in seconds) /mine - Plant a mine on the ground, it explose when a player comes too near of it! /disarm - Disarm a bomb. /demine - Make a near mine explose (NB: Hurt risk high). /BombCmds2 - To see the others bomb planting commands
/boom - Force your bomb to explose. When you force your bomb to explode, you lose 250$. /mined - Make your mine explose. When you make your mine explode, you lose 500$. /BombCmds - To see the others bomb planting commands.
JunkBuster Anti-Cheat (by Double-O-Seven)
What does it do?http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=96625.0
Ban for the most used cheats (weapons, some types of health cheats) Ban for jetpack Ban/kick for specific cheats from the most advanced cheat tool (spectate+carjacking) Kick for teleporting Kick laggers Make money cheats useless Prevent (command) spam Prevent swearing/insulting Prevent drive-by Ban players temporary Ban players (name) for ever! Ban a player's IP without banning other player with the same IP Example: The IP is range-banned 192.168.*.*. But you don't want to ban Charli with the IP, so you use "/whiteadd Charli" to add him to the whitelist and he will be able to play! Whitelist "Plug & Play": You just need to include it. You don't need to add any of your codes (except some re-definitions if there are) Speedhack detection Vehicle spawn detection Prevent capslock Support filterscript+gamemode at the same time (JunkBuster.inc is for GM, JunkBusterFS.inc is for FS.) Better anti-teleport Immunity for admins Block advertisement Ban for speedhack Detects airbreak and ban for it Detects race checkpointteleport Detects some types of weapon hacks Ban for specific teleports (coordinates from cheat tools) TogglePlayerControllable added - if you have enable freeze by JunkBuster, JunkBuster will prevent cheaters from unfreezing themselves SetPlayerHealth modified - Prevent bans of innoncents SetPlayerArmour modified - Prevent bans of innoncents Ban for tankmode (undestructable vehicles)
Island DM (Right name is DM Island) by GangMember211
Photo by GangMember211
Eagle DM (M4 Shot) by Hor1z0n
Photo by Hor1z0n
Fallout's SpeedoMeter
I use Fallout's SpeedoMeter Type 2 of 5
Photo by Fallout
Weapon Drive
Sentence by [FF]Nimphious
"All you do is go into a checkpoint shown in the pics below, a menu pops up and you buy your gun."
Photo by [FF]Nimphious
Players Online (by adsy)
Player start with $10.000.
vehicles respawn a few seconds after leaving the car.
Player start with $0.
vehicles respawn a few seconds after leaving the car, NOT AVAIBLE
Player start with $10.000.
vehicles respawn a few seconds after leaving the car, NOT AVAIBLE
Player start with $0.
vehicles respawn a few seconds after leaving the car
At the start have a GameTextForPlayer (Said GameMode Name, but you can use to said your server name)
Remove Random Skins, use SetupPlayerForClassSelection (You select your skin at the start)
I think dont have, but when you found pls post here
To me (PatrickChucky) by create this GM
To Xtreme by Xteame Admin System
To GangMember211 by Map DM Island
To Hor1z0n by Map M4 Shot
To Fallout by Fallout's SpeedoMeter
To Double-O-Seven by JunkBuster Anti-Cheat
To [FF]Nimphious by Weapon Drive
To adsy by Players Online
To S!m by Plant Bomb
Please Dont remove the credits.
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All Folder + ChuckyDM Help Folder
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All Folder + ChuckyDM Help Folder
All Folder + ChuckyDM Help Folder
All Folder + ChuckyDM Help Folder
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v1.3.2 (FR)
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