the color formats are stored in 24 bits. 8 bits (256 variations) for each channel: R(ed), G(reen), B(lue) and the A(lpha).
if you want to set the color of a player, you will get used to write them as hex notation, f.ex:
0xffffffff // thats white (255 red, 255 green, 255 blue and 255 alpha (opacity)), so its fully visible on radar
if you modify the last 2 characters of the value (0xffffffff) to 0x00, then the blip on radar will change to full transparency:
0xffffff00 // white in chat, not visible on radar.
0xff0000ff // full visible red (R=255, G=0, B=0, A=255) in chat and radar
0x00ff00ff // green in chat and radar
you know that problem: 2 blips are at the same position, and the recently drawn overlays the other. so a green blip could overdraw a red one, so the red changes to invisible... how to solve that? simply set the alpha (transluency) to 0x7f:
those 2 colors, filtered with the alpha value 0x7f (127), will add the half of each content and mix to a dark yellow:
thats the resulting color as it will be displayed at the radar.
i figured out an alpha value of 0xbf (191) is good for all player colors, it dosnt harm the chat color at all, almost forgot to mention that...