I'm getting server threats, HELP!

Please help!
My affiliate Bartels, who about a month ago, gave me the server Epic Stuntz told me today to get rid of the name, since he wants to re-create Epic Stuntz. I did this, the name of my server is solely based around Galactic Stuntz. But bartels still was not happy for some reason. He is now threatening to get my server Blacklisted by talking to the main developer of SA:MP, Kye. How does bartels have to power to do so? Can he actually blacklist my server?
Im worried about my server. I dont want it to get blacklisted, since i haven't done anything wrong.
Peace, SaItEk

Not gonna happen, nothing to worry about.

Originally Posted by jakeyboyzang
He is now threatening to get my server Blacklisted by talking to the main developer of SA:MP, Kye. How does bartels have to power to do so?
He doesn't, just ignore him.

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