02.02.2010, 14:14
I wrote one filterscript for commands with dialogs. All was good, until I decide to make input dialog. When I clicked on any item on the list, the dialog just hide with no response.
Did I write anything wrong? Please help.
I wrote one filterscript for commands with dialogs. All was good, until I decide to make input dialog. When I clicked on any item on the list, the dialog just hide with no response.
#include <a_samp> #define COLOR_RED 0xFF0000FF #define DIALOG_CMDS_1 3 #define DIALOG_CMDS_2 4 public OnFilterScriptInit() { print("Filterscript: COMMANDS"); return 1; } public OnFilterScriptExit() { return 1; } public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid,cmdtext[]) { if (strcmp("/cmds",cmdtext,true) == 0) { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_CMDS_1,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"CrazyStunts Commands","\nRegister On Server\nLogin Into Server\nSend Private Message","Select","Cancel"); return 1; } return 0; } public OnDialogResponse(playerid,dialogid,response,listitem,inputtext[]) { if(dialogid == DIALOG_CMDS_1) { if(response) { switch(listitem) { case 0: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_CMDS_2,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"CrazyStunts Commands","Please write a password.","Register","Cancel"); } } } return 1; }