Problem with incorrect rcon!

olha sу o cуdigo abaixo, eu usei para contar as tentativas do player para logar na rcon, caso ele errar mais de 3 ele serб banido, esta certo mais eu quero que a mensagem original do samp da cor branca la tipo senha incorreta se ficar tentando serб banid, esse й o cуdigo:


new tentativas = 0;

looks just the code above, I used to tell the player attempts to log into rcon if they missed more than 3 it will be banned, that's ok but I want the original message of the white samp type incorrect password it is trying to get banid be, this is the code:


Please, only english!

Or post in the Portuguese section

sorry, my mistake

Read: OnRconLoginAttempt In wiki!

man, I've read, I'm not getting is to the original message does not appear, appear only my



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