[Help] I can't see the skin I choose nor spawn at right place..

I been trying some ways to make my skin selection screen to show characters when I choose also, spawn at the right place but I happen to come to a Place I don't want to get spawned everytime..

Here's my OnPlayerRequestClass Script

public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid)
  return 1;
Here's my OnGamemodeInit

public OnGameModeInit()
	// Don't use these lines if it's a filterscript
	SetGameModeText("Test Script");
	AddPlayerClass(0, 2531.0210, -1670.0553, 15.3746, 269.1425, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	AddPlayerClass(280, 1549.6885, -1681.5354, 13.5561, 87.5689, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Cop01
	AddPlayerClass(281,1545.8535,-1683.6525,13.5568,47.0035,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // cop02
	AddPlayerClass(105, 2531.0210, -1670.0553, 15.1706, 78.6858, 372, 875, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Saints01
	AddPlayerClass(106, 2531.0210, -1670.0553, 15.1706, 78.6858, 372, 875, 0, 0, 0, 0); // saints02
	AddPlayerClass(107, 2531.0210, -1670.0553, 15.1706, 78.6858, 372,875 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0); // saints03
	AddPlayerClass(108, 2813.0212, -1181.8301, 25.2744, 252.5981,372, 875, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Vagos01
	AddPlayerClass(109, 2813.0212, -1181.8301, 25.2744, 252.5981, 372, 875, 0, 0, 0, 0); // vagos
	AddPlayerClass(110, 2813.0212, -1181.8301, 25.2744, 252.5981, 372,875, 0, 0, 0, 0); // vagos03
	AddStaticVehicle(468,2827.0815,-1192.6277,24.6917,180.2448,6,6); //
	AddStaticVehicle(468,2825.9897,-1202.2026,24.7347,184.0142,6,6); //
	AddStaticVehicle(468,2854.3557,-1342.8833,10.7233,95.0939,6,6); //
	AddStaticVehicle(468,2854.5220,-1356.0050,10.7344,88.6055,6,6); //
	AddStaticVehicle(412,2505.3633,-1679.2256,13.2969,315.3548,149,1); // grove car
	AddStaticVehicle(412,2488.8799,-1683.0946,13.2541,268.4927,149,1); // grove car02
	AddStaticVehicle(412,2478.6206,-1654.7670,13.2306,91.0205,149,1); // grovecar
	AddStaticVehicle(471,2508.2534,-1651.1064,13.2366,137.9187,120,149); // grovebike01
	AddStaticVehicle(471,2506.8452,-1649.1340,13.2893,135.8689,120,149); // grovebike02
	AddStaticVehicle(471,2424.4993,-1635.1930,12.9110,358.2491,120,149); // grovebike03
	AddStaticVehicle(471,2435.1038,-1644.8755,12.9824,186.5782,120,149); // grovebike04
	AddStaticVehicle(543,2473.4033,-1700.1831,13.3431,1.3118,43,149); // grovepickup01
	AddStaticVehicle(596,1548.8359,-1613.3235,13.1189,359.9999,0,1); // LSPD01
	AddStaticVehicle(596,1576.0277,-1614.9307,13.1029,178.1564,0,1); // lspd02
	AddStaticVehicle(596,1563.8800,-1615.4487,13.1038,178.0277,0,1); // lspd03
	AddStaticVehicle(596,1555.5306,-1615.1525,13.1041,174.4508,0,1); // lspd03
	AddStaticVehicle(596,1602.0586,-1683.9406,5.6117,270.4897,0,1); // lspd04
	AddStaticVehicle(596,1602.8925,-1691.9708,5.6108,269.6289,0,1); // lspd05
	AddStaticVehicle(596,1587.4268,-1711.5336,5.6111,179.5196,0,1); // lspd06
	AddStaticVehicle(596,1570.4158,-1711.9574,5.6115,180.9532,0,1); // lspd07
	AddStaticVehicle(596,1584.0503,-1671.6075,5.6129,88.5263,0,1); // lspd08
	AddStaticVehicle(523,1536.4857,-1665.6389,12.9505,358.8212,0,0); // lspd09
	AddStaticVehicle(523,1536.3831,-1670.5446,12.9556,358.8212,0,0); // lspd10
	AddStaticVehicle(523,1536.7278,-1678.7289,12.9537,4.0181,0,0); // lspd11
	return 1;

Originally Posted by Pein_KeS
I been trying some ways to make my skin selection screen to show characters when I choose also, spawn at the right place but I happen to come to a Place I don't want to get spawned everytime..

Here's my OnPlayerRequestClass Script

public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid)
  return 1;
Here's my OnGamemodeInit

public OnGameModeInit()
	// Don't use these lines if it's a filterscript
	SetGameModeText("Test Script");
	AddPlayerClass(0, 2531.0210, -1670.0553, 15.3746, 269.1425, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	AddPlayerClass(280, 1549.6885, -1681.5354, 13.5561, 87.5689, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Cop01
	AddPlayerClass(281,1545.8535,-1683.6525,13.5568,47.0035,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // cop02
	AddPlayerClass(105, 2531.0210, -1670.0553, 15.1706, 78.6858, 372, 875, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Saints01
	AddPlayerClass(106, 2531.0210, -1670.0553, 15.1706, 78.6858, 372, 875, 0, 0, 0, 0); // saints02
	AddPlayerClass(107, 2531.0210, -1670.0553, 15.1706, 78.6858, 372,875 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0); // saints03
	AddPlayerClass(108, 2813.0212, -1181.8301, 25.2744, 252.5981,372, 875, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Vagos01
	AddPlayerClass(109, 2813.0212, -1181.8301, 25.2744, 252.5981, 372, 875, 0, 0, 0, 0); // vagos
	AddPlayerClass(110, 2813.0212, -1181.8301, 25.2744, 252.5981, 372,875, 0, 0, 0, 0); // vagos03
	AddStaticVehicle(468,2827.0815,-1192.6277,24.6917,180.2448,6,6); //
	AddStaticVehicle(468,2825.9897,-1202.2026,24.7347,184.0142,6,6); //
	AddStaticVehicle(468,2854.3557,-1342.8833,10.7233,95.0939,6,6); //
	AddStaticVehicle(468,2854.5220,-1356.0050,10.7344,88.6055,6,6); //
	AddStaticVehicle(412,2505.3633,-1679.2256,13.2969,315.3548,149,1); // grove car
	AddStaticVehicle(412,2488.8799,-1683.0946,13.2541,268.4927,149,1); // grove car02
	AddStaticVehicle(412,2478.6206,-1654.7670,13.2306,91.0205,149,1); // grovecar
	AddStaticVehicle(471,2508.2534,-1651.1064,13.2366,137.9187,120,149); // grovebike01
	AddStaticVehicle(471,2506.8452,-1649.1340,13.2893,135.8689,120,149); // grovebike02
	AddStaticVehicle(471,2424.4993,-1635.1930,12.9110,358.2491,120,149); // grovebike03
	AddStaticVehicle(471,2435.1038,-1644.8755,12.9824,186.5782,120,149); // grovebike04
	AddStaticVehicle(543,2473.4033,-1700.1831,13.3431,1.3118,43,149); // grovepickup01
	AddStaticVehicle(596,1548.8359,-1613.3235,13.1189,359.9999,0,1); // LSPD01
	AddStaticVehicle(596,1576.0277,-1614.9307,13.1029,178.1564,0,1); // lspd02
	AddStaticVehicle(596,1563.8800,-1615.4487,13.1038,178.0277,0,1); // lspd03
	AddStaticVehicle(596,1555.5306,-1615.1525,13.1041,174.4508,0,1); // lspd03
	AddStaticVehicle(596,1602.0586,-1683.9406,5.6117,270.4897,0,1); // lspd04
	AddStaticVehicle(596,1602.8925,-1691.9708,5.6108,269.6289,0,1); // lspd05
	AddStaticVehicle(596,1587.4268,-1711.5336,5.6111,179.5196,0,1); // lspd06
	AddStaticVehicle(596,1570.4158,-1711.9574,5.6115,180.9532,0,1); // lspd07
	AddStaticVehicle(596,1584.0503,-1671.6075,5.6129,88.5263,0,1); // lspd08
	AddStaticVehicle(523,1536.4857,-1665.6389,12.9505,358.8212,0,0); // lspd09
	AddStaticVehicle(523,1536.3831,-1670.5446,12.9556,358.8212,0,0); // lspd10
	AddStaticVehicle(523,1536.7278,-1678.7289,12.9537,4.0181,0,0); // lspd11
	return 1;
You need to set camera positions and player positions,
Like this:

pawn Код:


    SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 90.0);


In the OnPlayerRequestClass Callback

Change the coords with your own,
Delete some or add some other,
But if your going to use that ( Default on SFTDM )

pawn Код:
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
In your OnPlayerSpawn Callback

Alright, Thanks the skins show up now but I got another problem... When I start the server chosen my skin I spawn at another place. Then what is written in AddPlayerClass

One more thing, How do you make so it Appears a name over the Skin? Like Ballas it stands Ballas over that skin.. ?

Youd be better of using teams for that sort of thing

It is Teams.. Groves and Vagos... And the cops but I Want grove to spawn at Grove St. And Vagos at East Beach.

No like teams teams,

#define TEAM_GROVE 1

at the top of your script ect
Do you have that? If not then here..
This shows you how to make one,
Its better than no teams at all on a gamemode like yours..


Yes, Yes.. I have it at the top.. One thing though..

Color Codes? Like 0xFF00FFAA

Where can you get those Color codes?

There is one more thing, Gangzones... That's something I absolutely do not Understand at all..

Theres other ways but i use this:


I'm Really happy for the quick replies, But could you explain how to make a Gangzone?

There used to be a link to a program on wiki, But i cant find it, So:


Il keep looking

Found it!


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