that line...
Stack/heap size: 16384 bytes; estimated max. usage=4534 cells (18136 bytes)
...let me suspect your gamemode consists of some arrays stored and processed in a too large heap-buffer.
the code uses 160k, and its data another 144k, thats ok imo, much players needs much data stored ^^
i would think about browsing through the entire script, and fix all name/textdraw/chat stringsizes (1-dimensional arrays), like those...
new string[256];
.. and lower them to the proper size, f.ex [128] for chatmessages,
count the textdraw's textsizes (incl the "~n~~b~~h~(%d) %s" etc) to fit (almost) exactly.
strings are using ascii code, which uses 1 byte only per character. that wont lower the buffer usage that much i guess.
i believe those 4-bytes consuming values are the key - this line...
static WeaponToSell[MAX_PLAYERS][20][2];
... which is a 3dimensional array, that can grow up pretty fast, if u raise 1 value.
18136/4534=4 bytes. so watch out especially out for integer values stored inside (like my WeaponToSell[][][] does),
like Money, Prices, Amounts of anything that can be "displayed" by a numeric value...