Need help with MySQL float

Hello, im using MySQL GM and i have a problem. Everything is working okay, except float. In log i found this line: `pos_X` = '-13.561207', `pos_Y` = '1020.277404', `pos_Z` = '19.742187' <-- saving, it's looking okay, but the mysql dont save numbers after . and the final look is: pox_X -14, pos_Y 1020, pos_Z 20. When i log on to my server, i just stuck in some villages, like blueberry, it teleports me anywhere. Example i logged out at SF hospital (it saved my position), i logged on back and i spawned in the FC. So what's the problem?

show the table layout it is an int, varchar or what?

Originally Posted by Pandabeer1337
show the table layout it is an int, varchar or what?
pos_X, pos_Y, pos_Z are floats.

Make them varchars (11)

Originally Posted by Pandabeer1337
Make them varchars (11)
Thank you, i fixed it.

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