Common compiling errors - READ BEFORE POSTING ERRORS

Common compiling errors

This little resource is designed for beginners. If your error is not listed here, DON'T POST! See this document first (there's a special category dedicated to errors/warnings). If you have read that, and did not understand the definition of the error message, you may post here - but don't forget: be polite, don't nag, don't spam, etc. You should also include the lines of code where you are experiencing errors.
  • 1. Missing functions

    error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleVelocity"
    error 017: undefined symbol "SetPlayerDrunkLevel"
    error 017: undefined symbol "SetPlayerVelocity"

    Solution: Grab the latest pawno includes from and make sure to run the right pawno IDE.

  • 2. Problems with public functions, timers, etc.

    error 025: function heading differs from prototype

    Solution: Make sure your "forward" declaration lines match the "public" definitions.

  • 3. Syntax mistakes

    error 001: expected token: ";", but found "]"
    error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero

    Solution: Check your syntax, make sure you don't miss any symbols like ';' and remember that Pawn is case-sensitive.

  • 4. Compiler limits

    error 075: input line too long (after substitutions)

    Solution: Pawn has limits for certain things, like line lengths. Don't make your lines _too_ long to prevent this.

to be continued

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