Weird Bug

Okay, well when i start my server this appears:

pawn Код:
[11:22:41] UGP Maps
[11:22:41] --------------------------------------

[11:22:41]  Loading filter script 'test.amx'...
[11:22:41] AmxLoad
[11:22:41] UGP FS
[11:22:41] --------------------------------------

[11:22:41]  Loading filter script 'ЛwётЗw.amx'...  // This is weird, i dont have a script called like this
[11:22:41]  Unable to load filter script '.amx'.
[11:22:41]  Loading filter script 'фJ.amx'...
[11:22:41]  Unable to load filter script '.amx'.    // Up to here
[11:22:41]  Loaded 12 filter scripts.

[11:22:41] AmxLoad
[11:22:41] Blank Gamemode by your name here
[11:22:41] ----------------------------------
And once before this in my server log:

[14:51:53] SCRIPT: Bad parameter count (Count is 1, Should be 2): 
[14:51:53] SCRIPT: Bad parameter count (Count is 1, Should be 2): 
[14:51:53] SCRIPT: Bad parameter count (Count is 1, Should be 2): 
[14:51:53] SCRIPT: Bad parameter count (Count is 1, Should be 2): 
and some houndret times more....
Also when the server runs, every hour a mass timeout people crash same time.

What to do?


What is your fs' called? maybe theres some signs in it the console doesnt like

pawn Код:
echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 1
rcon_password ***************************************
maxplayers 111
port 7777
hostname Server in Creation. Soon: [U.G.P.]
gamemode0 Untitled
filterscripts export ladmin4v2 yrace MidoStream Properties Announcements Echo PropertyCreator adminspec vactions Maps test
announce 1
query 1
weburl [url][/url][url=http://][/url]
anticheat 0
plugins irc.dll

Weird, but cut down on your filterscripts in the server.cfg ...
it works better if you do under OnPlayerConnect

RconCommand("loadfs <fs name>");
RconCommand("loadfs <fs name>");

and so on. then they all will work proberly

Erm, i found out what it was. A bugged TEXTDRAW made it.

And...starting a filterscript at OnPlayerConnect would make it load all time when someone joins eh?

Woops hehe, sorry i ment OnGameModeInit()

Originally Posted by Niixie
Woops hehe, sorry i ment OnGameModeInit()
Do you think its better for server or?

Also when 30+ players are in server's ping is 300+ and many crash come... why?

That could be your internet. whats the speed of your internet?

54 Mbit/s and its a W-Lan. And in Hosted List. But still private...

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