I need to know that fast ;/

I want to make server what ip I haw to put in ther computer or router ip and I haw port opened in my router I haw trayed both but cant get work it. ANY help will be useful. I serched the forum but no luck if this haw been posted before then I realy sorry [sorry for my bad englis Im from Estonia]
#2, or 'localhost' (not sure about the last one but it should work).

If you want your server to be accessible to other players you might need to forward your ports (default 7777).

I haw port fowarded [but not deafult port] and If I add server on sa-mp I see my server name I can conect play ther but friend wont get in

for you, your ip is, default port 7777
and for your friends u have to send your ip to them
u can get it using ipconfig or here http://www.cual-es-mi-ip.net/
copy the number that apears there and send it to your friends

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