need help with nuke-evolution theme

hey,can someone help me to fix my forums theme?
i want to make the white thingy bigger

if someone can help me,post here or add me to msn



 Nuke-Evolution Basic: Enhanced PHP-Nuke Web Portal System

   Nuke Patched               v3.1.0    09/29/1805
if (stristr(htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), "header.php")) {
  Header("Location: ../../index.php");

global $ThemeInfo;

echo"<table id="Table_01" width="100%" height="284" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">"
 . "	<tr>"
 . "		<td>"
 . "			<img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_01.jpg" width="16" height="27" alt=""></td>"
 . "		<td>"
 . "			<img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_02.jpg" width="11" height="27" alt=""></td>"
 . "		<td>"
 . "			<img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_03.jpg" width="380" height="27" alt=""></td>"
 . "		<td>"
 . "			<img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_04.jpg" width="5" height="27" alt=""></td>"
 . "		<td rowspan="60" background="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/exp.jpg" width="100%" height="284" alt=""></td>"
 . "		<td>"
 . "			<img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_08.jpg" width="27" height="27" alt=""></td>"
 . "	</tr>"
 . "	<tr>"
 . "		<td>"
 . "			<img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_09.jpg" width="16" height="141" alt=""></td>"
 . "		<td>"
 . "			<img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_10.jpg" width="11" height="141" alt=""></td>"
 . "		<td>"
 . "			<img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/logo.jpg" width="380" height="141" alt=""></td>"
 . "		<td>"
 . "			<img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_12.jpg" width="5" height="141" alt=""></td>"
 . "		<td>"
 . "			<img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_15.jpg" width="27" height="141" alt=""></td>"
 . "	</tr>"
 . "	<tr>"
 . "		<td>"
 . "			<img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_16.jpg" width="16" height="18" alt=""></td>"
 . "		<td>"
 . "			<img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_17.jpg" width="11" height="18" alt=""></td>"
 . "		<td>"
 . "			<img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_18.jpg" width="380" height="18" alt=""></td>"
 . "		<td>"
 . "			<img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_19.jpg" width="5" height="18" alt=""></td>"
 . "		<td rowspan="2">"
 . "			<img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_22.jpg" width="27" height="29" alt=""></td>"
 . "	</tr>"
 . "	<tr>"
 . "		<td rowspan="3">"
 . "			<img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_23.jpg" width="16" height="45" alt=""></td>"
 . "		<td colspan="2" rowspan="3">"
 . "			<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="391" height="45" id="nav" align="middle">"
 . "			<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />"
 . "			<param name="movie" value="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/nav.swf" />"
 . "			<param name="quality" value="high" />"
 . "			<param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" />"
 . "			<embed src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/nav.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" width="391" height="45" name="nav" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" />"
 . "			</object></td>"
 . "		<td rowspan="3">"
 . "			<img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_25.jpg" width="5" height="45" alt=""></td>" . "	</tr>"
 . "	<tr>"
 . "		<td rowspan="2">"
 . "			<img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_27.jpg" width="125" height="34" alt=""></td>"
 . "		<td background="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/news.jpg" width="196" height="21" alt=""><marquee direction="left" behavior="scroll" scroll="continuous" scrollamount="4" width="196" height="21" style="font-size:10px;color:#FFFFFF; Font-family:verdana;"><b>$hms1</b></marquee></td>"
 . "		<td>"
 . "			<img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_29.jpg" width="27" height="21" alt=""></td>"
 . "	</tr>"
 . "	<tr>"
 . "		<td>"
 . "			<img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_30.jpg" width="196" height="13" alt=""></td>"
 . "		<td>"
 . "			<img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_31.jpg" width="27" height="13" alt=""></td>"
 . "	</tr>"
 . "	<tr>"
 . "		<td colspan="4">"
 . "			<img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_32.jpg" width="412" height="53" alt=""></td>"
 . "		<td>"
 . "			<img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_33.jpg" width="125" height="53" alt=""></td>"
 . "		<td>"
 . "			<img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_34.jpg" width="196" height="53" alt=""></td>"
 . "		<td>"
 . "			<img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_35.jpg" width="27" height="53" alt=""></td>"
 . "	</tr>"
 . "</table>"


uh, how is that possible? the Echo function is surrounded by double quotes and in the text, they are using quotes as if they are nothing. Not even escaping them? That is what boggles my mind.

OP: What do you mean 'move it up'? if you want to have the bar above your picture, then the logo (find the picture in the table) needs to be under that part of the table. (or maybe even under the table itself, you need to look that one up)

sorry i ment to right,or make it longer...

fixed it myself
thanks anyway

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