29.12.2009, 22:59
hey,can someone help me to fix my forums theme?
i want to make the white thingy bigger
if someone can help me,post here or add me to msn
i want to make the white thingy bigger
if someone can help me,post here or add me to msn
<?php /*======================================================================= Nuke-Evolution Basic: Enhanced PHP-Nuke Web Portal System =======================================================================*/ /*****[CHANGES]********************************************************** -=[Base]=- Nuke Patched v3.1.0 09/29/1805 ************************************************************************/ if (stristr(htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), "header.php")) { Header("Location: ../../index.php"); exit; } global $ThemeInfo; echo"<table id="Table_01" width="100%" height="284" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">" . " <tr>" . " <td>" . " <img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_01.jpg" width="16" height="27" alt=""></td>" . " <td>" . " <img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_02.jpg" width="11" height="27" alt=""></td>" . " <td>" . " <img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_03.jpg" width="380" height="27" alt=""></td>" . " <td>" . " <img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_04.jpg" width="5" height="27" alt=""></td>" . " <td rowspan="60" background="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/exp.jpg" width="100%" height="284" alt=""></td>" . " <td>" . " <img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_08.jpg" width="27" height="27" alt=""></td>" . " </tr>" . " <tr>" . " <td>" . " <img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_09.jpg" width="16" height="141" alt=""></td>" . " <td>" . " <img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_10.jpg" width="11" height="141" alt=""></td>" . " <td>" . " <img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/logo.jpg" width="380" height="141" alt=""></td>" . " <td>" . " <img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_12.jpg" width="5" height="141" alt=""></td>" . " <td>" . " <img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_15.jpg" width="27" height="141" alt=""></td>" . " </tr>" . " <tr>" . " <td>" . " <img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_16.jpg" width="16" height="18" alt=""></td>" . " <td>" . " <img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_17.jpg" width="11" height="18" alt=""></td>" . " <td>" . " <img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_18.jpg" width="380" height="18" alt=""></td>" . " <td>" . " <img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_19.jpg" width="5" height="18" alt=""></td>" . " <td rowspan="2">" . " <img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_22.jpg" width="27" height="29" alt=""></td>" . " </tr>" . " <tr>" . " <td rowspan="3">" . " <img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_23.jpg" width="16" height="45" alt=""></td>" . " <td colspan="2" rowspan="3">" . " <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/s...rsion=7,0,0,0" width="391" height="45" id="nav" align="middle">" . " <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />" . " <param name="movie" value="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/nav.swf" />" . " <param name="quality" value="high" />" . " <param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" />" . " <embed src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/nav.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" width="391" height="45" name="nav" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />" . " </object></td>" . " <td rowspan="3">" . " <img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_25.jpg" width="5" height="45" alt=""></td>" . " </tr>" . " <tr>" . " <td rowspan="2">" . " <img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_27.jpg" width="125" height="34" alt=""></td>" . " <td background="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/news.jpg" width="196" height="21" alt=""><marquee direction="left" behavior="scroll" scroll="continuous" scrollamount="4" width="196" height="21" style="font-size:10px;color:#FFFFFF; Font-family:verdana;"><b>$hms1</b></marquee></td>" . " <td>" . " <img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_29.jpg" width="27" height="21" alt=""></td>" . " </tr>" . " <tr>" . " <td>" . " <img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_30.jpg" width="196" height="13" alt=""></td>" . " <td>" . " <img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_31.jpg" width="27" height="13" alt=""></td>" . " </tr>" . " <tr>" . " <td colspan="4">" . " <img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_32.jpg" width="412" height="53" alt=""></td>" . " <td>" . " <img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_33.jpg" width="125" height="53" alt=""></td>" . " <td>" . " <img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_34.jpg" width="196" height="53" alt=""></td>" . " <td>" . " <img src="themes/Creature-X/images/HD/header_35.jpg" width="27" height="53" alt=""></td>" . " </tr>" . "</table>" .""; ?>