Best Training Spots In Runescape *Discussion*

Hi, I've recently been playing Runescape ** Well, really I've been botting. This thread is for people to post the best training spots they know.

please state wether the spot is F2P or P2P and if it is a good spot for BOTTERS or actual PLAYERS

Feel free to use this form:

Runescape Training Location
P2P Or F2P?:
How To Get There:

Feel free to use this form, thanks for reading

Edit: I'd like to see spots to train Strength, and where you can bot safely.

****** it. People have prefered ways of training.

(Don't ask, I used to play It when I was younger )

LOL, thanks

but I want the people on this forum to give a first hand suggestion. I've looked up ****** and it's good but it's to vague in my opinion. If you know any good sites in particular please PM me them or better yet post them here

Originally Posted by KhaosKid
Runescape Training Location
P2P Or F2P?:
How To Get There:

Feel free to use this form, thanks for reading
what are you trying to train?

Strength, Attack, Defence,
places to train them:

P2P: Ape Atol (need monkey madness done at the very least
P2P: Fire Giants (Brimhaven Dungeon)
F2P: Hill Giants: ((if your combat levels between 20-40) good souce for f2p bigbones for prayer xp)

P2P: ogres north of ardougne
blue dragons (taverly members dungeon)
Fire Giants: (Brimhaven Dungeon)
F2P: Lessor Demon (volcano karamja island)

F2P: Lessor demon (mage tower, south of draynor)
Skeletons (many dungeons)
for a variety u can always start in the Stronghold of Safety or Stronghold of Security (always good for begginings plus some drops are good)

Good spots! but all of these aren't practical for botting because you'll need to refill your food often. anyone have any good bot training locations?

Originally Posted by KhaosKid
Good spots! but all of these aren't practical for botting because you'll need to refill your food often. anyone have any good bot training locations?

Why would you do that?

also next time tell us what you want to train makes it easier

I played Runescape 4 months ago, quited.... i used to train on the sheep fields.
Cowhide ( for moneyz)
Beef ( for cooking)
Bones ( for praying)
Trees ( to get "tree cutting" level and then to get cooking level)

Originally Posted by KhaosKid
Good spots! but all of these aren't practical for botting because you'll need to refill your food often. anyone have any good bot training locations?
Only noobs bot.

Originally Posted by Miokie*
Originally Posted by KhaosKid
Good spots! but all of these aren't practical for botting because you'll need to refill your food often. anyone have any good bot training locations?
Only noobs bot.

Like me and other people who enjoy getting there skills by them selves it makes it more of a challenge (plus not to mention a feeling of accomplishment)

Back when I played I would train on the Rock Crabs

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