
I was wondering - in turbo pascal we have or and xor operators. Does pawno have an alternative for xor? (1011 xor 0101 = 1110)

The logical XOR should be something like this
pawn Код:
p = true;
q = true;
(p || q) && !(p && q)
1 and 1 is 0
1 and 0 is 1
0 and 1 is 1
0 and 0 is 0

That would, in some cases, get it done, but how can I make it work with integers? I just sooo need a xor operator around here...

Example: 6 xor 2 = 7 (binary: 0110 xor 0010 = 0111)

Look in YSI, the misc file contains one IIRC.

Maybe you know where I could find a pawn function that would convert an integer to binary code? Or atleast emulate that with outputing an array/string of integers (1-0)

Take a good look HERE It's pertaining to keys and keys are in binary.

XOR is ^. e.g. a ^ b

The guy just wants xor people...

The XOR operator in PAWN (and most C-like languages) is ^.

(Oh damn you...)

Also, https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/OnPlayerKeyStateChange does not contain an example of exclusive or.

Thanks. I don't really know C languages that well

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