03.12.2009, 13:14
Hello, i just wonder how i change the color to yellow on this AddStaticVehicle codes? Where do i put the color code to make the vehicle yellow?!
Heres the vehicles
Heres the vehicles
AddStaticVehicle(522, 2171.0473632813, -1786.6000976563, 13.181396484375, 272.66064453125, -1, -1); //0 AddStaticVehicle(560, 2158.2707519531, -1792.9080810547, 13.161534309387, 270.67565917969, -1, -1); //1 AddStaticVehicle(560, 2158.3024902344, -1795.7905273438, 13.167181015015, 270.67565917969, -1, -1); //2 AddStaticVehicle(560, 2158.314453125, -1798.6231689453, 13.172720909119, 270.67565917969, -1, -1); //3 AddStaticVehicle(560, 2158.3269042969, -1801.3842773438, 13.178121566772, 270.67565917969, -1, -1); //4 AddStaticVehicle(541, 2188.7729492188, -1807.8599853516, 13.073380470276, 0.000000, -1, -1); //5 AddStaticVehicle(541, 2188.7668457031, -1802.7573242188, 13.074901580811, 0.000000, -1, -1); //6 AddStaticVehicle(541, 2188.7507324219, -1797.7426757813, 13.074866294861, 0.000000, -1, -1); //7 AddStaticVehicle(402, 2173.73828125, -1811.4338378906, 13.486874580383, 268.69067382813, -1, -1); //8 AddStaticVehicle(402, 2167.9196777344, -1811.2490234375, 13.486874580383, 266.70568847656, -1, -1); //9 AddStaticVehicle(451, 2158.8415527344, -1807.8760986328, 13.137767791748, 306.40539550781, -1, -1); //10 AddStaticVehicle(487, 2140.6750488281, -1811.7624511719, 19.136856079102, 358.01501464844, -1, -1); //11