Help for Kikosalaz

i wanna how to close these doors and set a pickup teleport

not only the binco one, i wanna close all doors on San Andreas so set my owns interiors and pickup whenever i want

heres to remove them!

public OnGameModeInit()
return 1;

Search pickups on Wiki.

I dont think pickups have anything to do with it....
Put this under "OnGameModeInIt":

Originally Posted by DeltaAirlines12
I dont think pickups have anything to do with it....
Put this under "OnGameModeInIt":
He wants pickup teleports.
The other question was already answered.

thanks everybody for the answers and about the pickups i know how to put them on the GM thanks again you were helpful

good luck with that all pickups

i dont wanna make anymore post to not spam the forum so i'll request any thing i need here, so it wont spam the forum.

This time i need help with the team's color, i wanna know how to make team's color ids have colors like GF i'm using wasted roleplay someone know in that GM where are the colors for the factions?

thanks in advance

Originally Posted by kikosalaz
i dont wanna make anymore post to not spam the forum so i'll request any thing i need here, so it wont spam the forum.

This time i need help with the team's color, i wanna know how to make team's color ids have colors like GF i'm using wasted roleplay someone know in that GM where are the colors for the factions?

thanks in advance
Well I've never worked with Wasted Roleplay, but...
What ever they have there teams defined as, probably something like

pawn Код:
#define TEAM_LSPD
Or maybe as numbers.
You will find something like this, it might vary a bit in your script.
pawn Код:
new gTeam[MAX_PLAYERS];
Well around on player spawn, or w/e you have them load up stats.

This is just an example.

pawn Код:
if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_LSPD)
    SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0x0000FFAA);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFAA, "Welcome back Officer");
    return 1;
// Other Teams would go down here as an else if statement.
else if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_MAFIA)
// Code

thanks dude you helped me alot

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