31.10.2009, 22:00
Teleports , auto messages , credits and help
aboutthis script was made for my EK extreme stunt server it involves a help and credits command , it has teleports to all villages/town on island 3 and liberty city, the auto massages are defult yellow , chat messages (i have included Lots of colours).
/credits , a chat message box with credits you cna include.
/teleports, a chat message box that shows all the teleport commands
/help , a chat message box of the commands
/lib1 = libertcity
/lib2 = libertycity inside
/bs = bayside
/tf = truths farm
/lp = las payasadas
/vo= valle ocultado
/eqr= el qued rados
/lasb= las barrancas
/fc= fort carrason
PASTEBIN http://pastebin.com/f3b33ea25
7 warnings - i dont know what causing it (im newish to scripting)
please keep mine in
and dustin (part of auto messages)