Help me please with this I have a question about a array..?


I have a question:

I have this array:

new joints[MAX_PLAYERS];

now I want to create a command that sets the joints of the player you typed in as id to be higher with one.

So let's see:

/givejoint [id]

will give the ID one joint.

Does someone knows how to get this working?

Thanks alot

I think you need to explain more. Right now, I can't figure out anything.

pawn Код:
zcmd(givejoint, playerid, params[])
        szString[ 128 ];

        return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_WHITE, " Only admins can spread out joints!");
    if( sscanf ( params, "u", szPlayer ))
        return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_WHITE, " Use: \"/givejoint [ playerid / part of name ]\" ");
    joints[ szPlayer ]++;
    format ( szString , sizeof( szString ), " You have given %s a joint!", ReturnPlayerName( szPlayer ));
    SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_WHITE, string );
    format ( szString , sizeof( szString ), " You received a joint by %s!", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ));
    SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_WHITE, string );
    return 1;
You (obviously) need the zcmd include. (which also includes sscanf)

Wow...? can't figure it out, can someone explain or help me more?? thanks

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