NPC Stands At the spawnpoint (I did the spawn-part correct)

As the title says, my NPCs are standing at the spawnpoint. They're like frozen, I don't know why. I've downloaded a few NPC Scripts, same thing with all of them. I did the spawn-part correctly as the tutorial says. How could I fix this?

If it's Role Play mode you must create accnout for this NCP and if it's fraction member you muste use /giveleader [ NCP ID ] [ Fraction ID ] and restart GM.

sorry for my bad English i learn this language.

Originally Posted by Shakur_33
If it's Role Play mode you must create accnout for this NCP and if it's fraction member you muste use /giveleader [ NCP ID ] [ Fraction ID ] and restart GM.

sorry for my bad English i learn this language.
It is my own gamemode, and if the player is not frozen, he may play normally. Btw. GF Edits / other roleplay modes really suck

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