[wtf?!]Help please! :(

I've made some improves to the Carrier ship on sf,i made some MoveObject's.
Well, i used MoveObject Alot of times Before,but this never happened to me.here is my code:
pawn Код:
new square;
new side;
pawn Код:
square = CreateObject(3115, -1456.750732, 501.498413, 16.915733, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000);
    side = CreateObject(3114, -1414.365234, 516.415710, 16.668062, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000);
pawn Код:
if (strcmp("/shipo1", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
    MoveObject(square,-1456.750732, 501.498413, 9.840750,1);
    if (strcmp("/shipo2", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
    MoveObject(side,-1414.365234, 516.415710, 9.643066,1);
Well,what happens is,that when i'm doing /shipo1,the object that suppose to move,is like,Double its'self and one object moves to the new pos,
and one stays in the place.its looks like its not moving,but when im going to the new pos,i see the object moved o_O.
same thing happens with /shipo2.
AND im sure that i didnt make two objects one over each other,i checked,and i tried to Re-Create the map,still the same

Any help appreciated,thanks in advance.

Maybe you should put return 1; at the commands

If that doesn't work i think it could be caused by you have many objects in the script?

Originally Posted by Desert
Maybe you should put return 1; at the commands

If that doesn't work i think it could be caused by you have many objects in the script?
Hmm,thanks for your trying to help.But,i've made /Shipo3 and 4 too,exactly the same way,but 3 and 4 works just fine.
Oh,and anyway i already have return 1; not 0

Originally Posted by Desert
Maybe you should put return 1; at the commands

If that doesn't work i think it could be caused by you have many objects in the script?
Doesn't matter how many objects you got in the script, to many objects just makes other objects stop loading. And thats also why we have streamers

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