Betther Security !!

Sa-mp needs betther Security !

my idea is simply :

The rcon command :
Should only be allowed for 1 / 2 persons!
If you want to login you have to login to Their username!
And also their IP !
If they got ip who change then it should auto change when ip change !
That should be some settings when you make your server.

Also the control pannel should be channged on!

More password.
To login you need 3 password:
1. Main Rcon password.
2. 1 You choos by your self
3. 1 the samp gives you when you register your server !

That will maby help and stop the Damn hackers and ddos'ers

Thank you !

You can all script it yourself, use a random 64 character password as RCON and script your own admin system.
You can also use the OnRconLoginAttempt callback introduced with 0.3

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