magnet under leviathn

is it possible to make that in samp with a elastic rope from singleplayer?

i saw almost the same with attachvehicletovehicle but i want the elastic rope, so that the car swing around...

[img width=960 height=768]/imageshack/img34/8379/magnets.jpg[/img]

Yeah, Attach the rope to heli, Rope to magnet, Car to magnet, Done =D lol
It'd be funny actually.

well that magnet object automatically connects to cars, and i had the object id of a crane with the magnet on it, but lost it.

Originally Posted by Daren_Jacobson
well that magnet object automatically connects to cars, and i had the object id of a crane with the magnet on it, but lost it.
i had the objectid for the magnet too but didnt note it... the problem is the elastic rope... cant find it and i dont want to make a stiff rope which dont swing around ^^

any ideas?

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