Unban of players

Hi i have the normal Ban player

But how i can unban a person without restarting the server? I tried to unban him as rcon admin but he is still in the samp.ban list

i tried /rcon unban IP
and /unban IP but both doesnt work

Have anyone a idea how to unban anyone without stop server?

/rcon unbanip (their IP)
/rcon reloadbans

reloadbans reloads the samp.ban list.

Okay the reload work, but the unban didnt work... I dont know why... He is in the samp.ban list

I hope anyone can help me

Open samp.ban, delete him(her) IP adress, save, and type in console "reloadbans", or in the game "/rcon reloadbans" (You need to login first using "/rcon login rconpassword".

Okay that i understood and that is working and is their any chance to make everything on a server or must i do it everytime this way?

Yes. You can do it in the game, but using rcon in the game you can unban player only if you know his IP adress. Opening the samp.ban file (e.g. with simple Notepad) you can unban player even if you know nickname. Just find it and you will see a string with IP and nickname.

Originally Posted by Butilka
Yes. You can do it in the game, but using rcon in the game you can unban player only if you know his IP adress. Opening the samp.ban file (e.g. with simple Notepad) you can unban player even if you know nickname. Just find it and you will see a string with IP and nickname.
Yes but if i log in as rcon iG /rcon login pw

After that i write /rcon unban IP

it didnt work!

Maybe something wrong what i do?

You did all right. Maybe IP is wrong or smth else.

Why don't you create administration filterscript instead using the /rcon ban ?

look using dcmd

dcmd_unbanip(playerid,params[]) {
	if(PlayerData[playerid][Level] >= 3 || IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))
	new adminname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
	if(!strlen(params)) return msg(playerid,"Correct usage : /unbanip <IP>");
	new string[76];
	format(string,sizeof(string),"unbanip %s",params);
	printf("%s(ID:%d) used the command unbanip and unbanned ip %s",adminname,playerid,params);
	return 1;

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