31.08.2009, 22:23
I found a code to make an invincible car, pretty sure it makes any and all models of the selected car/cars to be invincible.
Everytime I try to compile, I get this. I am currently trying to use this code...
When it says place it at the top, it is literally my very first line. When it says the bottom, it is the very last lines. The "SetTimer" is placed under OnGameModeInit, from what I know, I'm pretty sure it's the very end.
All I know is that the SetTimer seems to be messing me up, any solutions?
C:\Documents and Settings\Pepto\Desktop\samp02X(4)\samp02X\gamemode s\Wasted.pwn(9291) : error 021: symbol already defined: "SetTimer" |
Originally Posted by Zezombia
At the top of your script:
pawn Код:
pawn Код:
pawn Код:
All I know is that the SetTimer seems to be messing me up, any solutions?