
every surver i go in it says im banned and btw i live in new york so i doubt it would be a ddos attack from new york out.

Make sure your windows firewall is not blocking samp from connecting properly to the internet. Also, did you recently move? Others have had trouble with this before.

Usually it's either a firewall problem or bad router configuration. You can check your router settings by reading your router manual and finding out how to connect to the config panel online. Most routers have a gaming panel which is good to look at and check settings.

For Linksys try in your browser URL bar. This will contact your router and ask for a user name and password. User name by default is usually "admin" and pass is also usually "admin" by default.

Tryed it still doesnt work..

All I can say it wait for more help here, post somewhere else that might be more helpful, or ****** your problem until you find something.

The banned thing, if it happens on multiple servers, is usually an ISP/IP/Router/Modem problem. lol, lots of options there....

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