Once again SAMP messes up.

I finally fixed my other problem, and I have the disk of SAMP and I bought it it's legal, now when I click the start button my mouse goes into a disk and spins round, then stops, and it doesn't start up, I don't have mods, it's done this 10 times I've reinstalled and nothing, I've deleted the gta_sa.set file I've downloaded the patch and nothing.

I'm a little unclear on what you do/don't have, so I'll just list everything you'll need to double check on.

1. If you have the legal disc you will need to downgrade the gta_sa.exe to version 1. SA-MP only works with version 1 of GTA San Andreas.
2. You will need the hoodlum system information file, which may or may not come with the version 1 downgrade. ( I think. Either way it won't hurt to get it. Or try with/without this file )
3. Make sure you have the latest version of SA-MP. Which right now is "SA:MP 0.2x Update 1"
4. Make sure both gta_sa.exe and samp.exe are set to administrator programs if you are running Vista.

This should be about it....

From my understanding GTA SA, just like GTA IV, runs a Securom that detects any changes or alterations in game files and will not run properly if changes are found. This is why Mods do not work in any version other than 1.

I hope this has helped. I'm definitely not a SAMP expert but I help where I can.

P.S. You should also be able to download a no CD patch to enable you to run GTA SA without your CD.


i have downgraded it, i have the legal version, i dont have mods, i have the disk, i have reinstalled, twice, ive tried with and without gta_sa.set file and still, it doesnt work, i buy a game to play samp specificly, but......, there is thousands of faults and errors and im sick of it, and what the hell is a hoodlum information file.

Yeah I understand your frustration. When I first tried to run samp it was a absolute nightmare. Took me literally a day of doing nothing but searching to figure out how to run it. Took me 4 hours alone to find the file I needed since I had downloaded the legal version via Direct2Drive, which everyone says is impossible to hack to play SA-MP. Anyway, I eventually got what I was looking for even though no one could even tell me the file I needed lol.

Knowing what I know now I'd never get the disc. I'd go for an online download. ( Direct2Drive ) Since I know exactly how to work around the Securom patch in the exe. Anyway....

The hoodlum file is used as a work around for the securom and reading file changes I believe. You might be able to ****** it or check wikipedia might even have a quick summary of what it is and does. To be honest, some specific SAMP gaming communities can offer more help than the sa-mp forums.

I'm just not sure what else to tell ya. You seem to have done everything right. Tell me one thing though..... When you run GTA SA, you say it does the disc cursor thing, then nothing. Have you checked your Task Manager Process list to see if gta-sa.exe is actually running? Because when you try to run GTA it will execute the process, although the game may not actually run. Does your game work in single player or have you tried that?

Reply and tell us if the gta_sa.exe process is running on your Task Manager after trying to start the game.

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