[FilterScript] [FS] Ranged Chat Commands


I'm sure all the experienced sa-mp coders will turn their noses up at my filterscript, but meh. It's a simple little contribution I am making .

Features :

- 3 Different chat commands (/say, /w(hisper) & /shout)
- The ability to very easily create more of these commands
- 'PlayerInRange' stock that could be used elsewhere (leave credit plz?)
- Easily change the ranges/colours of each chat.


If you need any help at all with this, or if you want me to help code an addition to this, just ask me...


I don't want to look like a smartass but I have 1 smartass question... Why do people always re-script scripts already scripted? LOL

Originally Posted by Dr1ftEE
I don't want to look like a smartass but I have 1 smartass question... Why do people always re-script scripts already scripted? LOL
for the lols

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