you mean it should wait when up/down for 2 seconds, then you will need to check how long it will take, edit the waitingtime
pawn Code:
#include <a_samp>
new OpenGate[MAX_PLAYERS];
forward CheckEl();
forward Wait(time);
public OnGameModeInit()
ELEVATOR = CreateObject( 975 , 2118.854980, 2407.718750, 61.134506 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 );
SetTimer("CheckEl", 500, true);
public CheckEl() //LSPD gate
for(new i = 0; i < GetMaxPlayers(); i++)
if(!IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue;
if(OpenGate[i] == 0)
MoveObject(ELEVATOR,2118.854980, 2407.718750, 61.134506,3.5);//up
OpenGate[i] = 1;
if(OpenGate[i] == 1)
MoveObject(ELEVATOR, 2064.446045, 2438.436279, 11.495003,3.5);//down
OpenGate[i] = 0;
public Wait(time)
new stamp = tickcount();
while (tickcount() - stamp < time)
return 1;
that should do the trick, haven't tried it tough
note: you may need to adjust waiting time, as I'm not going to check that for you, currently it's going down again after moving for 5seconds
and vice versa.
also: a speed of 2.0 is REALLY slow, 3.5 is still very slow, but if you want you can edit it
2nd note: you have a variable to much at the up position, probably a rotation? the createobject doesn't have any rotations now, you may need to fix that, as I didn't know the rotation.
Have fun with it