Make elevator

Hi how do make a elevator in every 2 seconds up and down?

PS: no command to move single

(975, 2118.854980, 2407.718750, 61.134506, 355.9893, 2.00 ); // Up

(975, 2064.446045, 2438.436279, 11.495003, 2.00); // Down

you mean it should wait when up/down for 2 seconds, then you will need to check how long it will take, edit the waitingtime
pawn Code:
#include <a_samp>

new OpenGate[MAX_PLAYERS];
forward CheckEl();
forward Wait(time);

public OnGameModeInit()
ELEVATOR = CreateObject( 975 , 2118.854980, 2407.718750, 61.134506 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 );
SetTimer("CheckEl", 500, true);

public CheckEl() //LSPD gate
  for(new i = 0; i < GetMaxPlayers(); i++)
        if(!IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue;
    if(OpenGate[i] == 0)
      MoveObject(ELEVATOR,2118.854980, 2407.718750, 61.134506,3.5);//up
            OpenGate[i] = 1;
    if(OpenGate[i] == 1)
      MoveObject(ELEVATOR, 2064.446045, 2438.436279, 11.495003,3.5);//down
      OpenGate[i] = 0;

public Wait(time)
    new stamp = tickcount();
    while (tickcount() - stamp < time)
    return 1;
that should do the trick, haven't tried it tough
note: you may need to adjust waiting time, as I'm not going to check that for you, currently it's going down again after moving for 5seconds
and vice versa.
also: a speed of 2.0 is REALLY slow, 3.5 is still very slow, but if you want you can edit it
2nd note: you have a variable to much at the up position, probably a rotation? the createobject doesn't have any rotations now, you may need to fix that, as I didn't know the rotation.

Have fun with it

You don't know that this Wait function pauses the whole samp server, right? NEVER use it.

i will try jonasty thank you

Originally Posted by paytas
You don't know that this Wait function pauses the whole samp server, right? NEVER use it.
thanks for letting me know
Quead: you'll have to change the wait function into a timer, otherwise commands will only be executed after the waits
(so every 5 seconds)
people will think it's a very laggy server thanks to that
so you better don't use it this way, you'll have to change it into a timer

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