{Request} I'm Looking For A Good Scripter For A New RolePlaying Server

Currently I've been working on a new mysql game mode call Egdod Real Life(this name is negotiable). So far I've coded an Incomplete Player and Vehicle system. I havent combined them yet and the vehicle system hasnt been tested. Its basically a really advanced MySQL vehicle system, it saves player owned car tunes/positions. A /currentvehicleinfo cammand which shows the vehicles tunes, not by mod numbers but by their names, I've never seen that before. Admin Command /savecar which adds the vehicle to the MySQL database by its ID number. If the vehicle is owned and the owner exits the vehicle it saves the vehicle's info once again. A player can own 2 cars, admins can own 3-10,(Depending on their level) **This part is not coded yet but wont take much time at all. The Player login/register system is not complete yet but it does log in and saves everything having to do with the player, including locations. The player spawns at my set spot(which will be changed), and when a player logs into their existing player they spawn at the same position they disconnect from. Still having troubles with my player classes(Heres the post on that:

But anyways, would anyone like to assist me? I plan for it to be a Roleplaying.

My Experience: Well, over the past couple months or so I've been practicing scripting by learning from other peoples' game modes. I've used CityWide's MySQL script the most. But now I've decided to go from scratch. I learned the coding fairly quick.

Once I finish it, which will take forever alone, I wish to have a full MySQL server going with many jobs such as Body Guard, Drug Dealer, Arms Dealer, Federal Agent, Paramedic, Fire Fighter, Police, Farmer, Whore, Detective, and more. I want eventually every house to be ownable and cars all around the map. Also owned cars will respawn at their saves positions when the owner logs in and will be removed when the player exits. Im just tryna to make a fully roleplaying gamemode.

Well if anyones interested feel free to post here or PM me.

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