[FilterScript] [FS] mAdmin (Version 1.1) ::: Adminscript ::: 47 Commands - Update (26/08/09)

1. Introduction

Good morning,

When I was a newbie, I used a lot of adminscripts and liked most of them. Nice commands, nice stats saving, but my main problem always was the 10 level system. I always hated that. And since I didn't have enough experience to change that back then, I kept searching for one with 3 levels. (Moderator, Administrator and Management). Without any luck though. So I just made my own!

This is why after about a month of scripting, I'm releasing this. I hope you enjoy it.

2. Features

This is a small list of the most important features.
  • 3 Admin Levels: moderator, administrator and management. (You can easily change that to whatever you want).
  • Crew members are able to read PM's ingame.
  • Stat saving system (Admin level, Kills, Deaths, Ratio, IP) .
  • Logging! /kick, /ban, and /report log in their file with time and date .
  • Every time a command is being used a message gets send to crew members [EG: Mod Message: Joe_Rock (ID: 0) owns.]
  • You can lock and unlock the server as a management member.
  • MD5 Hashed passwords!
  • You can unban players using /unban [their name] without even having their IP!
  • You can't use commands if you aren't logged in or registered.
  • A nice jail system.
  • Some nice commands to spawn cars and pickups ingame and destroy them afterwards.
  • A lot of nice commands! Here's a list:
General Commands [5]

/register, /login, /mystats, /report, /nos

Moderator Commands [22]

/unban, /unbanip, /tp, /kill2, /refill, /ban, /kick, /announce2
/mute, /unmute, /vr, /spawn, /fix, /flip, /respawn, /tpmenu
/spec, /specoff, /vcolour, /jail, /unjail /announce

Administrator Commands [12]

/nuke, /fetch, /sethealth, /setarmour, /givecash, /banip
/tempmod, /tempadmin, /giveweapon, /clear /god, /ungod

Management Commands [13]

/setlevel, /makemeadmin (Rcon), /loadfs, /unloadfs, /unlockserver
/reloadfs, /gmx, /create, /destroy, /nukeall, /crash, /lockserver, /tempman

Alright, since commands need some extra explanation here they are:

/create [jetpack/health/armour/pill] - Creates a jetpack/health/armour/pickup on your location.
/destroy [pickups/vehicles] - Destroys either all vehicles or all pickups that were dynamically made (with /spawn or /create).
/spawn [vehicle name / part of the vehicle name] - This spawns a vehicle on your location.
/unban [Playername] - Checks the players name in the database and unbans the last IP he used.
/tempadmin [playerid] - Gives a player temporary administrator rights.
/tempmod [playerid] - Gives a player temporary moderator rights.


Version 1.0 (Not recommended)

1. Joe_Rock's host -.zip (Full Package, highly recommended).
2. Joe_Rock's host -.rar (Full Package, highly recommended).
3. Joe_Rock's host -.pwn (mAdmin.pwn only).
4. Joe_Rock's host -.amx (mAdmin.amx only).
5. Megaupload - .zip (Full package, excluding mAdmin.amx)
6. Pastebin - .pwn (Not recommended)
7. Felle's mirror - .rar (Full Package, highly recommended)
8. Felle's mirror - .zip (Full Package, highly recommended)
9. Felle's mirror -.pwn (mAdmin.pwn only)
10. Felle's mirror -.amx (mAdmin.amx only)

Version 1.1 (Recommended)

1. Joe_Rock's host - Full package (Highly recommended)
2. Felle' host - Full package (Highly recommended)
3. Megaupload - Full package (Excluding the .amx)
4. Pastebin - .pwn (Not recommended)
5. Mark's mirror -.rar (Full Package, highly recommended)

Mirrors are allowed.

4. How to install?

1. Firstly, I strongly recommended you to download the full package. (I recommend Joe's host) Either the .rar or the .zip.
Then unrar or unzip the file and extract everything.

2. Place dini.inc and MD5.inc into your pawno/include
3. Place mAdmin.pwn and mAdmin.amx into your filterscripts folder.
4. Place the 2 empty folders 'users' and 'logs' into your scriptfiles folder.
5. Add 'mAdmin' to your server.cfg line.
6. Run the server!

5. How do I make myself an admin?

There are 2 ways to do this.

1. Run the filterscript and go ingame. Use /register [password] to register yourself. Then login onto rcon and do /makemeadmin. That's all you need to do, it will save in your file, no need to change anything after that.

2. Run the filterscript and go ingame, use /register [password] to get registered. Then quit from the game and go to your scriptfiles/users folder, there should be a file called 'yourname.ini' open it and change 'AdminLevel = 0' to 'AdminLevel = 3'.

6. Credits.

I would like to thank a few people:
  • Joe (aka Joe_Rock): This guy deserves all the credits he can get. Without him this wouldn't have been possible. He was always there helping me out. He helped me beta test everything, has been giving me suggestions, helped me reporting bugs, made a mantis bugtracker + host for me. Provided a few awesome hosts and download links. Thanks Joe
  • DracoBlue: thanks a lot for dini and dcmd. This wouldn't have been possible without you as well.
  • ****** for his awesome MD5 include.
  • Felle for his mirrors.
  • Mark (berkley) for his mirrors.
  • The entire NG clan for beta testing. (www.nocturnalgamers.com)
I made this admin script and you are NOT allowed to re-publish it after editing it without my permission. Don't delete the credits on top of the admin script either. You can (of course) run it on your server and use it all you want (and edit it if you don't republish it).

Putting me in the credits is highly appreciated .

7. Mantis Bug Tracker.

What is it? It's a site where you can report bugs or post your ideas on mAdmin. Maybe I'll add some of your ideas in in a next version!

Thanks to Joe, mAdmin has it's very own mantis bug tracker. Just register on the mantis (click me) and click report issue to report a bug or post an idea.

8. Known bugs.

Well, me and Joe have beta tested almost every feature and command after adding it, and I've tried to release it as bugfree as possible. There is only one known bug which I couldn't fix.
If you gmx the server, the admin script won't recognize your account and tell you to register (even when you are already registered). Just reconnect to fix it.

9. Last word.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy it. Please post a reply on what you think of it

Well, I have to say that mAdmin is a perfect admin script, with a lot of features...but no useless features! I've been using mAdmin since it only had 10 commands, and have been working with Matthias to script mAdmin and remove all of the bugs. Matthias did most of the work on this, and it is great work. It is being used on my clan's server (, and has been being used for about three weeks now. I've ran in to no major issues in previous builds, and it seems as though this build is bug free. As Matthias has stated, feel free to use the Mantis Bug Tracking system I've setup for this release to report any and all bugs. It is much more efficient that way. It also will get your bugs fixed faster, since the Mantis emails us whenever you post.

-Joe Rock

How long did that take to write Joe? lol (as i can see,you wrote it in 20 seconds :P)

Nice Admin FS,Matt.


Originally Posted by Karlip
How long did that take to write Joe? lol (as i can see,you wrote it in 20 seconds :P)

Nice Admin FS,Matt.
Took about 3 minutes. :+

This is awesome script! Indeed the 10 levels in almost every admin FS are annoying, but this is just what you need!


This looks really nice, good job man

Thanks for the replies Also thank you Felle for your mirrors!

You use a lot of unnecessary 256 strings, and I'm not sure MD5 passwords are anything to brag about, as they are not wholly secure, compared to other encryption, like WHIRLPOOL.

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