[SOLVED] My "Mine " Object is not working

My mine object is not working...its actiong like a ball...and not throwing me away .(Nor in vehicle neither on foot)..

Please help...
I am using this ID for "mine" :- 2918

Thank You in Advance


Use a heavy Vehicle like rhino, moster, barrack, coach etc to jump them with this object. (Object will destroy after a jump)

You need to use a "heavy" vehicle, like a coach or swat van. It won't work on foot, and most cars etc don't work either.

Thanks..it worked now..

Originally Posted by Weirdosport
You need to use a "heavy" vehicle, like a coach or swat van. It won't work on foot, and most cars etc don't work either.
Most cars will work, however in order for a non-heavy vehicle I've noticed you have to drop teh vehicle from quite a distance (so it builds up speed) and you have to hit the mine dead-center (on top) for it to throw you.

Hop in any car on everystuff and type /bounce and it will work so long as you don't touch teh keys (rotating or spinning the vehicle) as its falling.

Originally Posted by kaisersouse
Originally Posted by Weirdosport
You need to use a "heavy" vehicle, like a coach or swat van. It won't work on foot, and most cars etc don't work either.
Most cars will work, however in order for a non-heavy vehicle I've noticed you have to drop teh vehicle from quite a distance (so it builds up speed) and you have to hit the mine dead-center (on top) for it to throw you.

Hop in any car on everystuff and type /bounce and it will work so long as you don't touch teh keys (rotating or spinning the vehicle) as its falling.
Okkk.....i will try it ...

Thanks for telling this too.



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