06.07.2009, 22:18
Okay, i am scripting something similar to SARPS "Points", my /capture works, at least it looks to, it sends the Client Messages. Script:
However, the CapTimer never goes off, it never sends the client message and it doesnt update the Scriptfile.
And yes, i realize it is set to one milisecond, it was set to a minute, bu tthat didnt work either.
If you could help that would be great
EDIT: And no, there is no errors upon compile.
if(strcmp(cmd, "/capture", true) == 0) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pRank] > 4) { if(PlayerToPoint(30.0,playerid,-1525.5349,2635.0120,55.8359)) { currentpoint = 1; curfamily = PlayerInfo[playerid][pFMember]; pointcappers = FamilyInfo[curfamily][FamilyName]; SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIGHTRED, "The Point Is Being Captured"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You are attempting to cap the point."); SetTimer("CapTimer",1,false); return 1; } } } }
And yes, i realize it is set to one milisecond, it was set to a minute, bu tthat didnt work either.
If you could help that would be great
public CapTimer() { PointInfo[currentpoint][PointHours] = PointInfo[currentpoint][ResetHours]; PointInfo[currentpoint][OwndFamilyName] = pointcappers; SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIGHTRED, "The Point Has Been Captured"); SavePoints(); }