Question for good scripters

guys as i see some ppl are very good ... why good scripters dont make better server than CB or something ?

They are, but because everyone knows how good at scripting they are they believe they can do well on their on, which is true, but imagine if the gods at pawn got together?


Now imagine the server, yeah, immense.

yeah i mean if they make a good scripter team and make make better server than CB i think this will be really good cuz we cant play alwlays the same server what do u think guys ?

ALso, I have never heard of CB...

Originally Posted by NeRoSiS
ALso, I have never heard of CB...

Crazybob is fuckin ownage, years of work have been put into it, I bet no one, except ******, can code a GM better than CB on their own.

oh! crazybobs i toghut

chicken bell xD

Originally Posted by 0xF29323
Crazybob is fuckin ownage, years of work have been put into it, I bet no one, except ******, can code a GM better than CB on their own.
People could, it'd just take forever. Mind you it did take CrazyBob a long time to create that gamemode, as Seif_ said. I'm sure many people could create it if they had that much time aswell.

Just because you have good scripting skills (logic mostly) doesn't mean you can make good scripts, "good" is very vague anyway as we all have our own opinion of what makes a "good" scripter and server.

Yeah, exactly - maybe good scripter can script almost everything, but "good" script also neds some creativity and good ideas (eg. Seif's Stealth - WHY noone is playing it? ;_, so IMHO if some people with vision create a team with top scripters (0.3? United-MP? daaamn that would be good! ^^) results may bebiblical...

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