RCON Admin Banned?

Recently, i was playing a gamemode i have downlaoded fomr here, All Credits go to them,butt i have one problem... i went ino game i didnt log in as admin and i spawned with minigun cause i had admin filterscript and the server auto banned me? soo now i cant unban my ip so can u pzl help me?? i REALLY want to go into my server again help would be mmuch appreciated.

Open samp.ban with notepad and delete your IP from it

Where ever the script bans you, it is set up where if you have a minigun, ban you. Make it something like this

(replace (( ban(playerid); )) with this
return 1;

it should work , you may have to fix it a little. This will keep it from banning admins. It can be put under any auto-ban code. Of corse like i said, this is just detecting an RCON admin. You can modify this to your likeings.

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