Other Languages

Hello I was thinkin how Can your make so we say that My server Language is English But then your use a Command (/Danish) and all the server Language Changes to Danish ?


By using a variable?

Originally Posted by Ben^
By using a variable?
Yes, as 'Ben' said, use a variable, such as IsDanish, than with a commands like /help do a check such as if(IsDanish[playerid] == 1) show them the Danish version, if they don't have '/danish' enabled simply use else and show them the text in english.

Ahh so Its Like This

In Top Of Script

new Danish = false;
Then Ect Under OnPlayerCommand i add This

if (strcmp("/Info", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
   SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_INFO,"Hello your have The Game Text In English Virson");
   if(Danish == true)
    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_INFO,"Hej Du Har Valgt Den Danske Verson

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