can anyone tell me if this can be optimized

This is a sea fishing script that i have been doing now for about a week and i was wondering if it could be put in an array or some way of making the script smaller.

it works just fine for my server which is running LA:RP, as i said it runs fine and does not cause no lag but i just think it could be alot more refinded.

it is basiclly the fishing part of LA:RP cloned then parts changed so that it has it own skill level /skill 8 , i have put in a few extra bits like 20lb /40lb /100lb bombs on mostly random genarators

there is also a treasure map search that is marked by a checkpoint on the map(treasure maps are found when sea fishing) then you goto that marker and swim around and try to find the treasure icon (SKULL pickup),

my freinds love the treasure maps but i cant get it to only genarate the treasure icons when a map is picked up can some one please help as i am a noob to this, i am not asking for some one to do it for me(unless they feel like doing it), but just to point in the right direction like i said i am a noob so feel free to laugh at my nieve scripting ,

and feel free to use the script if you fell like it

the treasure map is adapted from a Oysters around LS filterscript made by WEED_

sorry trying to do pastebin link for the code

EDIT: done the pastebin here's the link

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