[NEED HELP]Tele Lines

Hello. Do someone know a line to make any tele 4 z posses higher?

i'm to lazy to do all my teles so i want to ask if there is al line like this or something:

xpos ypos zpos. zpos + 4

something like that. thank you

If i understood Correct, yeah you can do it. For teleports or something.

You will do it +4 in the pos you want. For example its posx, posy, posz, so you will put +4 In that you want. So you can do it

posx+4, posy, posz etc. if you mean something else, explain it.

So you want things to go higher?

For example:
pawn Код:
CreateExplosion(xpos, ypos, zpos+1, 6, 7.0); // this will make it higher than the original position.

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