[FilterScript] [FS] File Cars - Vehicle File Storing System!

pawn Код:
/*            File Cars          */
/*       Script created by Lavamike      */
/*       Dini created by DracoBlue       */
/*      Whoever made IsVehicleConnected     */
/*    If I missed anyone please let me know!   */
/*            File Cars          */
Requirements: dini, prior scripting knowledge

I originally made this for my server but I felt like releasing it

Basically this contains all the information to load/unload cars from a file in the folder: YourSAMPserverDIRECTORY\scriptfiles\Vehicles\

This is really aimed towards people who are fairly good at scripting and can figure out how to use it, there won't be much support for it unless I made an error somewhere.


Download from Pastebin: http://pawn.pastebin.com/f3747283a

Originally Posted by Lavamike
Originally Posted by eXchainZ-FoReVeR
What can we do with this File Cars?
It allows you to very very easily edit cars without all the fuss.

I was too lazy to make a converter to convert your current script created cars but I will do that soon unless someone else does first.

Anyway, this is mainly aimed towards 24/7 servers, with this you can in-game edit cars details, without having to go into the script, find the thing oyu need to change and go in and out of game and such to test colors and get models and whatnot.

Say you want to change the location of a car you can make a command to simply get in the car you want to change and make a /setcarpos command or whatever you want to name it, and have the server get your new location and angle, save it to the file, then respawn the car. Now you have the car saved forever there, without having to restart your server or do much work at all!

On my server I have made commands to respawn, delete, setcolor, setmodel, setcarpos, setcar, etc.

I can do all those things without going through the script and messing with the AddStaticVehicle and such

You can also create cars. I haven't included my commands but they aren't that hard to make. My setcar will cloan a car if you are in one that's already stored as a file and set it to the current location and everything.

One main idea is to keep the carid ingame synced with the fileid.

If you can make more things that can store in file,that's the better.
Anyway,very nive scripr^^

What can we do with this File Cars?

Originally Posted by eXchainZ-FoReVeR
What can we do with this File Cars?
It allows you to very very easily edit cars without all the fuss.

I was too lazy to make a converter to convert your current script created cars but I will do that soon unless someone else does first.

Anyway, this is mainly aimed towards 24/7 servers, with this you can in-game edit cars details, without having to go into the script, find the thing oyu need to change and go in and out of game and such to test colors and get models and whatnot.

Say you want to change the location of a car you can make a command to simply get in the car you want to change and make a /setcarpos command or whatever you want to name it, and have the server get your new location and angle, save it to the file, then respawn the car. Now you have the car saved forever there, without having to restart your server or do much work at all!

On my server I have made commands to respawn, delete, setcolor, setmodel, setcarpos, setcar, etc.

I can do all those things without going through the script and messing with the AddStaticVehicle and such

You can also create cars. I haven't included my commands but they aren't that hard to make. My setcar will cloan a car if you are in one that's already stored as a file and set it to the current location and everything.

One main idea is to keep the carid ingame synced with the fileid.

Originally Posted by Lavamike
Originally Posted by eXchainZ-FoReVeR
What can we do with this File Cars?
It allows you to very very easily edit cars without all the fuss.

I was too lazy to make a converter to convert your current script created cars but I will do that soon unless someone else does first.
I could make a .exe for it? I'm bored out of my mind.

Originally Posted by [HiC
TheKiller ]
Originally Posted by Lavamike
Originally Posted by eXchainZ-FoReVeR
What can we do with this File Cars?
It allows you to very very easily edit cars without all the fuss.

I was too lazy to make a converter to convert your current script created cars but I will do that soon unless someone else does first.
I could make a .exe for it? I'm bored out of my mind.
I guess it could be made with a program like that

I once made it (but I deleted it ) with pawn coding

I use AddStaticVehicleEx or whatever it is, I just replaced that with like AddStaticVehicleFileEx and made a stock that took all the information given and formatted it into a .ini file

To be honest, i dont think editing a car is hard?

Your choice.

Originally Posted by HarryKirkby
To be honest, i dont think editing a car is hard?

Your choice.
It's not hard, but I prefer this in the long run. As you can permanentlyedit cars from in game.

don't work

Originally Posted by -StanD-
don't work
I think you should be more specific. Does the code not work? Whats wrong?

don't save car aftrer server restart

Hello, This FS doesnt work for me at all... it doesnt create any Main.ini in my vehicles folder either.
It compiled ok, but in game when i type in /setcarpos,... "Unknown Command", what am i doing wrong here? Is it my dini or something? Please ombody help hre?

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